
Positively Caviar, Inc Partners with Charm City Love for the 2nd Annual Wellness Weekend

Baltimore, MD (November 10, 2018) - On Saturday, November 10th  Positively Caviar, Inc. joined forces with Charm City Love, Inc. to facilitate a Wellness Weekend at the SAGE Center of Episcopal Housing Corporation in Baltimore, MD. During this time both organizations were able to help families in the Family Recovery Program transform into their healthiest self!

The Family Recovery Program is a non-profit that seeks to reunite families whose children have been placed in court ordered foster care due to substance abuse issues. in order to participate in the Family Recovery Program, families are required to attend a variety of classes and group meetings to ensure that they remain drug and alcohol free and that they develop the life skills necessary to become fully self-supporting.


During Wellness Weekend, Positively Caviar coordinated a B.U.I.L.D (Being Unique Individuals by Learning and Developing) workshop at the “Kid’s Center” with about 13 participants. Team members and volunteers had the opportunity to instill mental resilience into the youth with activities/discussions which include: The Power of Yet, Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset, the importance of gratitude, and self-love. The session ended with a mediation session amongst all families in attendance.

 The Positively Caviar team enjoyed spreading influence and positivity through the children and adolescents of the Family Recovery Center. For more information or to find out how to partner with Positively Caviar on future programs, please click here or contact us at 


Positively Caviar Inspires Student Leaders at Hampton University

The Greer Dawson Wilson Student Leadership Program at Hampton University is a service-learning and leadership program that plays a vital role in the holistic development of Hampton University students by providing community service experiences and interpersonal and leadership skills training opportunities.

Every summer, the Greer Dawson SLP program hosts a retreat preparing them to lead students in the new school year. This retreat also focuses on building relationships within the program in an effort to encourage self-awareness, development and build synergy amongst fellow leaders.


On Sunday, August 12th Positively Caviar’s Executive Director & Chief Creative Optimist, Chazz Scott, participated as the keynote speaker, holding a B.U.I.L.D. workshop at the annual student leader retreat. The young adults that participated left feeling inspired and ready to aspire others.

Several SLP members expressed their excitement about participating in the B.U.I.L.D workshop:

“My favorite moment or key point was when Chazz talked about affirmations and realizing the effect they have on our mindsets and bodies.”

“I enjoyed all of the new quotes Mr. Scott exposed us too. I also enjoyed hearing other people say their goals out loud. Hearing more positive affirmations were great.”

“I liked the interactive activities and how he asked us questions. It made me truly think and self-reflect. It was honestly and truly GREAT!”


The Positively Caviar team enjoyed having the opportunity to inspire college students to achieve their best selves. The team will continue to participate in workshops that intensify the positivity in the world.

“The Positively Caviar workshop impacted the Greer Dawson Wilson Student Leadership Program immensely. The Program learned how to attack their goals, spread positivity, and discover methods into self-discovery that will ultimately lead to their success,” said Bria Taylor the Assistant Director of Student Activities for Hampton University.

For more information or to find out how to partner with Positively Caviar on future programs, please click here or contact us at 


Positively Caviar Teams Up with Boys in the Good

On May 22, 2018, Positively Caviar, Inc. teamed up with the Boys in the Good organization for a powerful speaking engagement/workshop. Young boys at Randallstown Elementary School in Baltimore, MD had the opportunity to participate in an informal workshop centered on the importance of optimism.


"BOYS in the GOOD" is an after-school youth leadership program that helps boys develop new attitudes, behaviors, and ambitions while recognizing the importance of dressing well and being respectful. Boys participate in weekly character education workshops, community service and a number of enrichment opportunities. The purpose of this program is to inspire young men in grades 3 through 5 to reach their fullest potential both academically and socially. All boys serve as leaders of the school community and work each day to fulfill the aims of Giving, Optimism, Originality, and Determination.


Positively Caviar Founder, Chazz Scott, had the chance to inspire and empower the young boys by speaking to the science of positive thinking, the relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind, and the process of erasing old habits & gaining new ones. “The kids were so engaged and excited”, Chazz proclaimed.  “It’s a necessity that kids of this age understand this material now rather than later. It can have huge benefits over the course their lives on their habits, choices, and ultimately of their destiny. As Frederick Douglass said: "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."

At the end of the program, the young men were handed the signature “Stay Positive” wristbands in an effort to actually actively apply affirmations as a technique to overcome challenges. These wristbands serve as a reminder to individuals to Stay Positive during times of adversity.  Boys were extremely engaged and eager to learn more about how to sustain optimism throughout their lives. Positively Caviar hopes to conduct a continuation of these workshops with the Boys in the Good in the near future.

For more information or to find out how to partner with Positively Caviar on future programs, please click here or contact us at 
