positively caviar

Positively Caviar Awarded $10,000 Grant to Combat Mental Health

Baltimore, MD - Positively Caviar, Inc. (PCI) was named a winner of the Baltimore Elevation Awards and received a $10,000 grant from the Baltimore Corps. This award allows personalized support to people of color who are Baltimore City residents piloting novel approaches to strengthen Baltimore communities.

The grant will allow Positively Caviar to continue the work of combating the mental health crisis by providing youth with an informative and interactive space to discuss mental wellness strategies to counter stress and adversity. PCI does not intend to replace formal mental health programs; instead, we complement them. Rather than mental health being a dark place to discuss negative emotions, the workshops are focused on shining a light on mental wellness. At the conclusion of the 11-month grant period, awardees will have the opportunity to showcase their projects to prospective funders.

Baltimore Corp’s mission is to enlist talent to accelerate social innovation in Baltimore and advance a citywide agenda for equity and racial justice and The Elevation Awards aim to directly leverage the assets of communities to pioneer new solutions in social entrepreneurship. As a result, leaders of the community will be more apt to provide solutions and support the early-stage pipeline of social entrepreneurs in Baltimore.

“Uplifting youth through actionable steps to increase mental wellness has always been the driving force to our organization and is needed now more than ever,” said Shayma Sulaiman, Chief Program Officer of PCI. “ We are honored to receive the Baltimore Elevation Award and we are so grateful to Baltimore Corps for truly believing in our vision.”

Positively Caviar, Inc. (PCI) focuses on using positive thinking and optimism as a vehicle to instill mental resilience and disrupt mental health stigmas in underserved communities. PCI provides science-based mental wellness workshops rooted in positive psychology to provide preventative strategies to curb stress and increase overall wellbeing.

For more information please visit: positivelycaviar.com

Positively Caviar Partners with Best Kids, Inc. for B.U.I.L.D. Workshop

Washington, DC (January 26, 2019) - On Saturday, January 26th Positively Caviar, Inc. joined forces with Best Kids to facilitate a B.U.I.L.D Self-Empowerment Workshop at the Frances A. Gregory Library in Washington, DC. During this time Positively Caviar created a fun, safe, and positive environment amongst foster children and their mentors to promote all of the necessary qualities in making decisions for a positive, healthy, and purposeful life.


BEST Kids, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides mentoring to foster care children in the District of Columbia’s Child Welfare System. Through their one-on-one volunteer mentoring, our extensive training, staff support and our experiential-learning-based peer group, this program empowers youth in foster care to build better futures, one child at a time. The Best Kids organization often works in collaboration with other community partners to help fulfill their mission.

 Positively Caviar coordinated a B.U.I.L.D (Being Unique Individuals by Learning and Developing) workshop for about 13 participants ages 6 – 11 from the Best Kids program. Children and their mentors had the opportunity to learn about mental resilience and positivity through activities/discussions which included: The Power of Yet, Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset, the importance of gratitude, and Family Feud (their personal favorite). The session ended with a mediation session amongst all everyone in attendance.

The Positively Caviar team enjoyed spreading influence and positivity through the children and their mentors from the Best Kids organization. For more information or to find out how to partner with Positively Caviar on future programs, please click here or contact us at info@staybasedandpositive.com 

Positively Caviar raises over $1,000 in Donations for Children of Incarcerated Parents

On Monday, December 10th Positively Caviar, Inc. executed their 1st annual Holiday Happy Hour Toy Drive at the new Broccoli Bar in Washington D.C. Through joining forces with The Women’s Wing Organization, Positively Caviar had the opportunity to donate gifts to kids whose parents are incarcerated or not in the home in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area.


More than 5 million children, or 1 in 14, in the U.S. have had a parent in state or federal prison at some point in their lives, according to the Casey Foundation. With the help of friends, family and supporters more than $1,000 were raised in gift cards, toys, and cash donations. All donations went toward gifts for the annual holiday party hosted by Women’s Wing Organization. This year we were able to provide gifts to over 1000 children to help them celebrate the season and bring joy to kids that are less fortunate this holiday season.

“It was an extraordinary experience having the opportunity to play Santa for less privileged kids this holiday season” Chief Program Officer, Shayma Sulaiman. “We’re excited to continue these efforts next holiday season”.

 Positively Caviar is thankful for the many generous gifts, gift cards and monetary donations. Help continue to #spreadthePos & change the lives of people within your community. Please visit staybasedandpositive.com to find out more about Positively Caviar, Inc. or to find out how you can support the mission.

Positively Caviar Inspires Student Leaders at Hampton University

The Greer Dawson Wilson Student Leadership Program at Hampton University is a service-learning and leadership program that plays a vital role in the holistic development of Hampton University students by providing community service experiences and interpersonal and leadership skills training opportunities.

Every summer, the Greer Dawson SLP program hosts a retreat preparing them to lead students in the new school year. This retreat also focuses on building relationships within the program in an effort to encourage self-awareness, development and build synergy amongst fellow leaders.


On Sunday, August 12th Positively Caviar’s Executive Director & Chief Creative Optimist, Chazz Scott, participated as the keynote speaker, holding a B.U.I.L.D. workshop at the annual student leader retreat. The young adults that participated left feeling inspired and ready to aspire others.

Several SLP members expressed their excitement about participating in the B.U.I.L.D workshop:

“My favorite moment or key point was when Chazz talked about affirmations and realizing the effect they have on our mindsets and bodies.”

“I enjoyed all of the new quotes Mr. Scott exposed us too. I also enjoyed hearing other people say their goals out loud. Hearing more positive affirmations were great.”

“I liked the interactive activities and how he asked us questions. It made me truly think and self-reflect. It was honestly and truly GREAT!”


The Positively Caviar team enjoyed having the opportunity to inspire college students to achieve their best selves. The team will continue to participate in workshops that intensify the positivity in the world.

“The Positively Caviar workshop impacted the Greer Dawson Wilson Student Leadership Program immensely. The Program learned how to attack their goals, spread positivity, and discover methods into self-discovery that will ultimately lead to their success,” said Bria Taylor the Assistant Director of Student Activities for Hampton University.

For more information or to find out how to partner with Positively Caviar on future programs, please click here or contact us at info@staybasedandpositive.com 


Positively Caviar attends Providence Baptist Church Retreat as Keynote Speaker

On July 28, 2018, Positively Caviar was invited to the Providence Baptist Church Retreat as a presenter and keynote speaker. The retreat took place on the campus of McDaniel College in Westminster, MD.


As part of the retreat, parents and adolescents gathered to hear a keynote address from Positively Caviar Founder, Chazz Scott. The audience learned about building a legacy not just monetarily but through thoughts, fears, diet, and decisions. Chazz spoke to the science of positivity as it relates to epigenetic and neuroplasticity and how to instill mental resilience and habits. 

Additionally, Positively Caviar held a B.U.I.L.D Workshop from 10am-12noon. College students were able to join to discuss the importance of building a legacy, instilling mental resilience, and not being afraid to dream. The class included a total of about 10-12 students. We handed out notebooks as it was interactive workshop that allowed the students to express themselves and their desires about life.

The students were very involved despite the workshop taking place on a Saturday morning.


“To be honest, the workshop helped me zoom in and focus on my goals. When I wrote down my goals I said [to myself], I was not afraid of failing because failure is a learning experience”, Adonis Wyche, Sophomore at CCBC.

Positively Caviar was extremely excited to be a part of this church retreat. For more information or to find out how to partner with Positively Caviar on future programs, please click here or contact us at info@staybasedandpostive.com  


Positively Caviar Fights Mental Health at the HBCU5K 

On Saturday, June 30th Positively Caviar participated in the 6th Annual HBCU 5K Run/2K Walk at Howard University. More than 12 volunteers joined The Positively Caviar Team to run with a purpose and engage with the community sharing information about the organization.

Photo Jun 29, 8 29 35 PM.jpg

The Washington, DC Metro HBCU Alumni Alliance, Inc.’s (DCHBCUAA) community hosts the HBCU Alumni Community Day Presented by XFINITY with a mission is to improve the health and well-being of our communities. Their overall efforts are aimed at reducing health disparities that are pervasive in predominantly African American communities. With an effort to addressing the social determinants of health, their program focuses on priority areas are Health & Wellness, Hunger Awareness, and Higher Education. By leveraging the full value of the Alumni Alliance, they educate the community, provide financial resources, offer volunteers, and work strategically with our community partners to make a measurable impact to address the following issues: health, hunger, and education.

Volunteer and Positively Caviar supporter, Melissa Pearson, expressed her excitement about participating in the HBCU 5K Run. “It was such an amazing experience to work with an organization that embodies what they are passionate about. Positively Caviar attracted a large crowd during the 5K race, simply because the leaders of their organization naturally spread authentic positivity. When you are struggling with mental health disorders, trying to adjust your mindset to focus on the positive things in your life is necessary. The leaders of Positively Caviar ran for a cause. They ran to instill that positivity back into our culture.”

Running to help fight mental illness aligns with the core values of Positively Caviar. The organization will continue participating in the HBCU5K annually, on a much larger scale next year.

For more information or to find out how to partner with Positively Caviar on future programs, please click here or contact us at info@staybasedandpositive.com 

Positively Caviar Joins The Garden of Prayer Christian Church for Youth Day 2K18

On June 15, 2018, Positively Caviar participated in a Youth Day seminar at The Garden of Prayer Christian Church in Baltimore, MD. Children and young adults ages 6 - 20 had the opportunity to engage in a thought-provoking conversation based on the subject of fear.

Youth Day is an event that takes place in various Christian churches and denominations. This annual event is used to focus on the youth in the church and give them a platform to learn more and encourage them to live their best life. The order of events for Youth Day at the Garden of Prayer Christian Church included icebreakers, our high-intensity speaking engagement, and a round robin of questions from the audience.


The theme of Youth Day 2K18 was “I Have No Reason to Fear” giving the Positively Caviar Team the opportunity to speak to youth and families in Baltimore City about the science of positivity & optimism, overcoming fears, and gaining resilience. Shayma Sulaiman, Chief Program Officer, and Chazz Scott, Chief Creative Optimist, exposed the youth and their families to strategies and tips to reach their fullest potential in life such as: instilling habits to wake up early, how to use “the power of yet”, how to overcome fear, a healthy diet, and the importance of maintaining meaningful relationships. 

Positively Caviar was extremely excited to be a part of this motivational and encouraging event. “It was really humbling to bring people from all ages and all walks of life together to discuss the topic of fear”, said Shayma.” “Although every individual has his or her own separate path we were able to discuss the reasons we fear, the science of fear, and ultimately how to overcome it.” For more information or to find out how to partner with Positively Caviar on future programs, please click here or contact us at info@staybasedandpositive.com.


Positively Caviar Hosts First Ever Happy Hour Food Drive Event

On Thursday, February 22nd Positively Caviar, Inc. took a healthy bite out of hunger with their very first healthy food drive event, managing to turn a Thursday Happy Hour into a great time with all intensive purposes of conquering their goal of taking a healthy route toward eradicating hunger in the DC area. More than 30 people came out to Amsterdam Café and Lounge to show their support.

By approaching a typical food drive in a more unique way, Positively Caviar was able to make a deeper impact by sharing messaging, “A healthy mind starts with a healthy diet.” The goal was to combat hunger but also to ensure that by feeding America’s hungry they were being encouraged to live a healthier lifestyle with a healthier diet.

Supporters were able to make food and monetary donations to help reach the goal of combating hunger. Positively Caviar members went a step further the next day by visiting a local grocery store to purchase all healthy options with the monetary donations received.


On Friday, February 23rd Positively Caviar was able to personally fulfill their goal donating over 265+ items to Bread for The City. The mission of this organization is to help Washington, DC residents living with low income to develop the power to determine the future of their own communities. Each month, Bread for the City’s two food pantries provide nutritious groceries to more than 8,400 clients living near the federal poverty line. Food donations included fruits and vegetables proteins, daily, pasta.


Positively Caviar ended Black History Month and National Canned Food Month with a bang through the healthy food donations and positive vibrations that resulted from this food drive. “It was a powerful experience to bring together friends, family, and new supporters for a great cause” Chief Program Officer, Shayma Sulaiman, proclaimed. “I have a strong belief that if you put good into the universe good comes back to you tenfold”.

Help continue to #spreadthePos & change the lives of people within your community. Please visit staybasedandpositive.com to find out more about Positively Caviar, Inc. or to find out how you can support their mission.


Positively Caviar Inspires Young Women at Cherry Hill Middle School

On November 21, 2017, Positively Caviar, Inc. visited Cherry Hill Middle School in Baltimore Maryland, to lead an inspiring B.U.I.L.D workshop. Founder, Chazz Scott and Chief Program Officer, Shayma Sulaiman were able to fulfill their duty of inspiring, motivating, empower the young girls that attend this school.

Cherry Hill Elementary/Middle School is an institution located in the heart of Baltimore, Maryland. With high crime and poverty rates in this community, Positively Caviar realized the need to provide a workshop centered around maintaining an optimistic lifestyle and mindset. Students were exposed to a fun, creative, and positive environment where they had the opportunity to express themselves.

During the session, the young women of Cherry Hill Middle School were able to participate in B.U.I.L.D (Being Unique Individuals while Learning and Developing) activities including but not limited to:

  • The Power of Yet
  • What do you love about yourself?
  • Circle of Positivity

By the end of the workshop, the young ladies were encouraged to be their best self and continue down the road of success.

“It was such a refreshing experience to see how engaged the girls were”, Shayma proclaimed. “They all want so much out of life I wish nothing but the absolute best for each one of them.”

For more information or to find out how to work with us, please contact our Chief Program Officer Shayma Sulaiman at info@staybasedandpositive.com 


Positively Caviar, Inc. Announces Monthly Column with The Baltimore Times

Baltimore, MD (July 18, 2017) - Positively Caviar, Inc. is excited to announce their monthly collaboration with The Baltimore Times. Each month Positively Caviar’s Nucleus Team will have a column published in the Print and Digital issue that emphasizes keys to helping others maintain a fulfilled and purpose driven life.


The first column, “Mental Resiliency for Life’s Success”, published on July 14, 2017, highlights the secrets to building willpower and mental resilience. Monthly articles will have a specific focus on mental/physical health tips, scientific studies, nutrition facts and stories that are positive in nature to support a purposeful and positive lifestyle.

The Nucleus Team of Positively Caviar (left to right) Jean Claude Louis-Charles III, Shayma Sulaiman, Nikki Abraham and Chazz Scott

The Nucleus Team of Positively Caviar (left to right) Jean Claude Louis-Charles III, Shayma Sulaiman, Nikki Abraham and Chazz Scott

“We’re so excited to have the opportunity to project positivity using another platform”, Nikki Abraham, Co-Founder, Chief Creative Marketing Officer. “As our platform and engagement continue to grow, the more widespread our impact will be.”

To read Positively Caviar’s monthly columns published in The Baltimore Times visit: BaltimoreTimes.com. Also visit staybasedandpositive.com to find out more about Positively Caviar, Inc. and how you can support their mission.