Growing Through Life

This week our own Nucleus team member, Shayma Sulaiman, will share this week's message:

When I am ________ years old I want to have this goal accomplished.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be at a certain place in life by a specific age. Goals are important and you have to set them in order to attain something of greater value. Rarely does anyone achieve greatness without putting in work. Just be aware if it doesn't happen by that specific age DO NOT lose faith and give up. Try, try, and try again. Everyone has their own path it may not be exactly the same as the person next to you, and that's ok. There's only one you so put your best foot forward and never give up. Small steps are key when you have a goal to reach.

Don't get stuck in a rut of simply going through life. Seek new experiences, instill in your mind that you want to seek a new adventure at least once a week. Whether it be trying a new restaurant, getting involved in a local organization or joining a local kickball team you must put yourself out there. Also, never get discouraged and always use a set back as a set up for a comeback and grow through life!

Have you found your purpose in life? If not, keep seeking your purpose. I leave you with this powerful quote below:

If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.

-Thomas Jefferson

By: Shayma Sulaiman

Remain Grateful

Throughout life it is extremely important to remain grateful. Be grateful for new experiences, uncomfortable situations, disappointments, and achievements. Instead of counting the things that are missing in your life, count the blessings that you may tend to look over each day.

Whenever you need a reminder, remember to look around you and to be grateful for the things that you do have. Count the blessings that have occurred in your life instead of the problems. Be grateful for friends, family, running water, and the food that you consume each day.

Master consistency throughout your day and remind yourself of the simple things that you have been blessed with. 

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that in order to achieve contentment, one should “cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously.”

Prophesize Your Future with Your Words

Many of us forget how powerful our words can be. “Words are like seeds. When you speak something out, you give life to what you’re saying.” If you continue to say it, eventually it will become your future. When facing difficult times, prophesize your future with your words!  

This is very important when saying things like: "I’m blessed. Things will work out for the best. I am going to have a great day. I’m grateful." 

This isn’t just being positive... you are actually prophesying your future. If you continue to expect the best out of your life, eventually you will receive it.

“Your life will move in the direction of your words.” If this is true, try taking a step back and thinking about the words you say throughout your day. Are they positive? Are they negative? Do they build you up or do they tear you down? Would you want these words to symbolize or reflect your future? 

Prophesize your destiny with your words!

Maintain Your Childlike Happiness

Good Morning Subscribers!

I hope your week is off to a great start! This week's excerpt is shown below:

I think most of us know by now that life is a series of tests and sometimes it can be difficult to maintain happiness. In Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking, he mentions that “Children are more expert in happiness than adults.” He explains that the adult who can carry the spirit of a child into middle and old age is a genius.

In the book, Mr. Peale asked his 9-year-old daughter, “Are you happy, honey?” She replied by saying “I’m always happy.” He asked, “What makes you happy?” She replied by saying “I don’t know, I’m just happy.” He urged her for a reason and she finally explained all of the things that made her happy. It included a simple list of her friends, going to school, her teachers, going to church, and the love from her family.

Whenever life has you down, remind yourself of the simple things that you may take for granted every day. Do not allow life's experiences to take away your childlike happiness. Hold on to it and continue to remind yourself of the people that love and care for you.

Maintain your childlike happiness and be grateful for the simple things in life.

Positively Caviar, Inc. stands with the city of Orlando

The Nucleus Team, at Positively Caviar Inc., sends our thoughts, prayers, and positive energy to the victims and families affected in the city of Orlando. No matter how hard this world seems to tear us apart we will always stand as one. #loveislove #prayfororlando #spreadthePos

We are one race; the human race. 

Do Not Allow Fears to Control Your Life

Do not let your fears control your life.

Most people in life are not living their dreams because of fear. Fear of what others might think, fear of what others might say, fear of failing, fear of never making it, and fear of the unknown. 

The fact is: “Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is very real. But fear is a choice.” - Will Smith from After Earth 

Fill your mind with courageous and positive thoughts to leave no room for fears. These courageous thoughts eventually turn into courageous actions!

Do not allow fears to hold you back from your purpose in life. 



At the end of the day, you can either live your fears or live your dreams. Build up enough courage and grit to live your dreams and truly master life!

Be the Best Version of Yourself

Good morning subscribers! 

I hope everyone has had an enjoyable weekend! This week's message was sent in by a good friend of mine. Please read and apply to each of your lives:

Do you wanna be the best version of yourself? Simply be yourself, 100% organic at every moment. Know that what you wish to be you have always been.

"A beautiful thing is never perfect" - Egyptian proverb

Perfection is defined as "the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects.", and "the action or process of improving something until it is faultless or as faultless as possible."

"You know you're on the right path when you become uninterested in looking back." - Anonymous

Never regret the past and be free to see it as destiny. View your flaws as complementary and be thankful for who you are. Lessons learned through knowledge and experiences will transform your mind, body, and soul. True perfection is the condition of constant change, metamorphosis.

"What you think you become" - Buddah

Get into the feeling and state of mind that you are your best. Thoughts and emotions have influence on each other. Say to yourself with belief, "I am the best!" You can't just think it and not feel it. Your heart and mind must agree with what you desire.

"Love the life you live and live the life you love" - Bob Marley

The future is based upon free will and imagination. The past was destiny and the future is up to you. Improve on doing your best every day.

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” - Confucius

Creative Writer: Brandon Wilson



Continue to #spreadthePos and believe in your dreams! 


Weekly Positivity: Never Give Up

Good morning subscribers!

I hope all is well! Today's (short) excerpt is shown below:

No matter what you may be going through, please make it a habit to never give up. No matter how impossible your situation may seem, continue to stay on course. Resilience is the key.


  • If you have dreams of becoming a doctor, lawyer, or CEO, never give up.
  • If you have dreams of starting your own company, never give up.
  • If you're in school studying for a degree, never give up.
  • If you want to have a better relationship with your family and or friends; work on it and never give up.
  • If you have dreams about creating something, never give up.
  • If you're feeling lost about the next steps in your life, never ever give up!

We only have one life on this earth, please live it to your fullest potential

Believe in yourself and never allow other people's opinions of you to control your destiny. Act on your ideas, and please remember to never give up.

You will face some setbacks.. but you will always win.. if you never give up!