Watch Your Thoughts (Keep Your Thoughts Positive)

Today is a great day because your alive! 

Did you know that how we think has a definite effect on how we actually feel physically and emotionally? It’s so easy for us to wake up in the morning and began to conceive negative thoughts. Naturally this negative thought can become a long strenuous list of negative thoughts that can fill up your day. One small thought can have a tremendous impact on your entire day and it can start as soon as you wake up in the morning. 

I’m sure everyone is familiar with the popular phrase: “watch what you say”, but before we begin to speak, we must watch how we think. We need to be consciously aware of what we are thinking about. One positive thought in your day can virtually turn your entire day into a positive experience, free of negativity. Your thoughts are contagious and they must be filled with positive thoughts in order for you to live out each day to your fullest potential.

Every time you begin to slip down a slippery slope of negative thoughts, catch yourself and think about the things in your life that make you happy or that you are grateful for. Eventually you will become a master at vindicating contagious negative thoughts throughout your existence on earth.

Here is one of my favorite quotes that really makes us understand how powerful our thoughts can be.

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."


“It all starts with one thought, so be sure to keep them positive.”


Continue to #spreadthePos & live your dreams!

Drown Yourself in Uncomfortable Situations


Every uncomfortable situation you have ever been through will always make you a stronger person. 


When living life, it is imperative to try new things: jump, fall, fight, create, love. Live extreme and push every boundary that you have ever conceived in your mind. Why? Simply because you will have no other time to do so. Life can certainly move fast as you get older but it can move even faster if you are continually living a comfortable & consistent life. We must build up enough courage, strength, and heart to overcome situations in our lives that we would normally shy away from. Otherwise, year after year you will still be in the same position that you were in time and time again.



Next time you find yourself in an uncomfortable position or situation in your life ask yourself: what’s the worse thing that could happen if I truly embraced this moment? Ask yourself: What am I truly afraid of? Stop, think, & you will always overcome!


The moments that take your breath away are the moments that really count in your life. All of these moments in your life have made you into the person that you are today. So continue growing and continue to drown yourself in uncomfortable situations.


Continue to #spreathePos!



Fake It 'till You Make It

Good morning subscribers! Today is a beautiful day to be alive. I hope your weekend was excellent. This weeks (short) excerpt awaits below: 

Have you heard of the "Fake it ‘till you make it” mindset?

Most of us have applied this thought process to our professional careers in order to attain goals we have never had before. But did it ever occur to you that this type of thinking can have dramatic effects on your emotions and the way that you actually feel? Scientific research has proven that actively taking on the physical state of a happy person by, say, forcing a smile can cause you to actually feel happier [1]. In other words, we (humans) don’t tremble because we’re angry or cry because we feel sad; rather, we are aware of feeling angry because we tremble, and we feel sad because we cry [1].

There is no question that life is going to throw everything it has at you. It’s your job to battle through the haters, negativity, losses, disappointments, and downs in life. Life is way too short not to feel happy everyday you're alive.

Life is going to break you down but the real question is.. how do you plan to get back up? It could be hidden in the actions in how you physically carry yourself. Try it. It may work. But like anything in life, you have to wholeheartedly believe in it.

Fake it ‘till you make it.


Continue to #spreadthePos, 


[1] Mlodinow, Leonard. Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior. New York: Pantheon, 2012. Print.

Do You Love Living Life? (Secrets of Life)

Good morning!

This is one of my favorite excerpts that speaks to me on a daily basis. Please take the time to READ & LISTEN.

Being able to live, talk, walk and even breathe is a gift. Throughout our daily struggles on earth it is so easy to forget the simple things that we have been provided with in order to simply live. We tend to constantly overlook the very things that allow us to even exist on earth. Existing is a gift in itself. Being able to go through a disappointment or a problem is a gift in itself. Being able to overcome one is even better, but life is a process that we all must go through and there is no easy route.

Each morning that you wake up you should be happy and excited that you have another opportunity to be able to open your eyes and breathe. You should feel excited that you have another opportunity at life to chase your dreams, savor friendships & relationships, meet new people, grow personally & spiritually, and even experience uncomfortable situations in your life.

Quite frankly, you should begin to love life itself. If you do not take the time to love life, life will not take the time to love you back. Like anything in life if you don’t take the time to love and appreciate something, it will naturally not love you or appreciate you back. This understanding also applies to life itself. Appreciation is key!


If you don’t love life, life will not love you back.


In effort to hear the sounds of the mindset I am trying to portray, I have updated the Sounds tab with one of my favorite Will Smith’s inspirational interviews. 


Please listen and remember to love life & love living!


Please follow us on Twitter & Instagram. We have some exciting things coming that we want you to be a part of!


Continue to #spreadthePos!

Energy & Vibes (Keep it Positive)

Good Morning & Happy Monday, I hope everyone has had a relaxing weekend! This weeks excerpt is shown below: 


Are you aware of how critical your vibe and energy is to other people? It’s never been about the things that we verbally say to one another, it’s always been about the things that we don’t say. The vibes, body language, and the energy that we give off to one another can have huge effects on every person that we come in contact with.

For example, you know how you know someone may not like you or isn’t interested in you, but you cannot necessarily describe how you have come to that conclusion. That’s exactly how our human bodies are designed to work. We tend to pick up on energies or vibes that we cannot even begin to consciously describe or even comprehend. We are all made up of atoms: protons (positive) and electrons (negative) and we are continually feeding off of each others energy (Hence the meaning behind my logo). 

It does not matter if you’re an introvert or have never felt comfortable talking to people, your vibe and energy is felt without even saying a word. Humans are naturally contagious. We may not even be consciously aware of it; but humans have been embedded with these unique abilities and it is extremely easy for us to use them and read someone based off of their vibe.

Life is a feeling process, always has been, always will be. Once you realize how much we feed off of each others energies, you will begin to understand how important your positive vibe is throughout your daily life. Continue spreading your positive vibes and let it inspire others to do the same!

Keep your energy positive. Somebody feels it.


Thank you to all of my subscribers thus far! Again, if you have any recommendations or remarks please share because I don't have all the answers, you guys do! 

[Update] In an effort to increase positivity through Photography, please check out one of my friends recently dropped platforms. He's an expert photographer that in my opinion represents positivity through his favorite digital medium, photography. 


Contact Info: Cliff Lucas, 

Continue to Stay Positive

(Appreciate Life) like It Was a Gift Given to You on Your Birthday

Good Morning! 

I hope everyone has had an excellent weekend. This weeks excerpt is presented below:

A sense of appreciation for life is critical. If we cannot learn to appreciate life, we cannot be the best person that we were born to be. Waking up in the morning and taking the time to look at your life from a 3rd person view can be very enlightening. It causes us to look at our disappointments, goals, dreams, accomplishments, relationships, and everything we ever consciously thought about and just be grateful. We should be grateful that we even have the opportunity to experience life in itself. There are many people that don’t have this opportunity anymore. Another year of life, another year of possibilities, and another year of growth is a gift -- and it should be treated as such.

Embrace life and everything it has to offer.

Embrace life and everything it has to offer.

If we can learn to appreciate the simple things in life, we will eventually begin to live much happier lives. This is because you honestly take the time to appreciate your family & friends, running faucet water, the flowers or trees that you may walk pass on your way to work or school, and even the beautiful crisp air that we can freely breathe each and every day. Eventually you will begin to appreciate life in itself.

Treat your life like it was a gift given to you on your birthday. Ironically, that’s exactly what it is. Sometimes this is a hard concept to grasp while going through conflicts and life lessons; but these types of events are systematically injected into your life to ultimately convince you just how precious and delicate life really is.

Appreciate your life like it was a gift given to you on your birthday. Ironically, that’s exactly what it is. 


Subscribers are steadily rising and needless to say I am grateful and excited! As a treat only to all of the subscribers; you will now be able to access all of the recent Blog content on my platform (desktop & mobile)...

You will be required to enter in a password: staypositive


Please continue to share & FWRD if these messages are speaking to you. Again, if you have any recommendations on future weekly topics please let me know!


Continue to Stay Positive, 



Are you ‘Harlem Shaking Through the Pressure’?

Our lives are never going to be consistent. Every time it seems like we have life all figured out, that’s when it likes to wake us up again. The ups and downs of life are really what life is all about. It’s a rollercoaster of excitement, breakthroughs, discomfort, and disappointments. If life was a slow moving consistent train, none of us would really enjoy the ups in life simply because we have never experienced the downs. We would naturally take the ups in our lives for granted. Life is not meant to be consistent. Being truly grateful of these moments is the real key because as history has proven to us, nothing ever lasts anyway.

Every time the pressure or discomfort arises try taking a step back and savoring these precious moments in your life. This may seem nonsensical or backwards but these critical moments really make us understand what life is really all about. These precious moments literally make us feel alive. Popular music icon Drake, recently said a simple but impactful (depending on how you take it) line in ‘Digital Dash’ by saying “I’m Harlem Shaking Through the Pressure.” The discomfort, the disappointments, the pressure, and the sadness never last, so you might as well dance your way through it and be grateful.


Harlem Shake your way through the pressure, disappointments, and discomfort in your life because they never really last anyway.

Believe in Yourself & Create Your Dreams

Good morning!


I hope everyone is having a great start to their week. I was inspired while sitting in church to write this excerpt below:


Everyone Believes In Something. 

The thought of something better coming into our future is what wakes us up out of our bed each morning. Faith, belief, religion, meditation, prayer, are all practices that have been utilized for hundreds of years. And it’s no question that all of them are useful in our lives, depending on how you were raised or your religion. 

A belief and a positive mindset has proven that we can virtually overcome any challenge that we set our mind to. Look at history. The greatest minds in the world didn’t overcome their obstacles by having a negative mindset. Look at the 4-minute mile, people thought it was impossible and now everyday people can achieve it [1]. This is because someone had the belief and desire that they could realistically turn their dreams into reality. It only takes one person to believe in themselves, then they will have the opportunity to inspire others as well.

Take a look around you: the roof over your head, the Apple or Android product that you’re using, the shirt that you’re wearing, the fork and knife that you use, the lightbulb that you turn on, and the car that you drive—all of it was a creation based off of someone’s ideas & dreams. They had the simple belief and a positive mindset that nothing would stop them from achieving their goals. Why? Because they wholeheartedly believed in themselves. Now we literally use, what was once someone else’s dream, in our everyday lives.

Nobody has ever accomplished anything in their life without belief, faith, or a positive outlook on their life. If you don’t utilize what has already been proven time and time again, you will never accomplish the things that you want in your life. 

We all believe in something—whether you’re Black, White, Asian, Catholic, Hispanic, Native American, Indian, Jewish or LGBT. Belief is what drives our human souls each and every day.

Continue to believe. Your goals will be achieved. Take a look around you... history has already proven this.


Again, thank you for all of the subscribers and support thus far. I am extremely grateful. If you have any ideas or thoughts about today's weekly topic please share. I don't have all of the answers, you guys do!


Please FWRD & share with others if these messages are speaking to you.


[Update] New positive Moments (live ESPN coverage of Hampton University's first ever lax team) tab has been added.

Stay Positive, 


