Inspire Your Great-grandchildren

After reading Steve Harvey’s book titled “Jump”, there was one story that I simply could not get rid of in my head. It inspired me and I hope it will inspire you too:

"A young man went to the hospital to visit his grandmother. She was very ill. When he arrived at the hospital, he could clearly see that she wasn’t going to make it. He started to cry. His grandmother said, “Baby, I’m getting ready to leave this world.” He responded, “Grandma, ain’t nothing wrong with you. You’re going to be all right.”

“No baby, I’m not going to be leaving this hospital. It’s time for me to go,” she told him. He cried and held on to his grandmother a little while longer. Before he left, she asked, “Do you know your great-grandfather’s name?” He said, “No.” 

“You know why?” she asked. He shook his head. She said, “Because he didn’t leave you nothing. Before you leave this earth, I want you to live your life so that your children’s grandchildren will know your name.”

After reading this story I started to understand that our “lives are not our own.” In other words, growing up I never thought about how my choices could literally affect the generations that came after me. In fact, it’s proven by many scientific studies that the way we think and live our lives directly affect the genes we pass down to generation to generation. I quickly had a paradigm shift in my thinking about how I lived my own life. If we started living our lives as if our grandchildren were looking over our shoulder, what would you want them to see? What would you want them not to see? How would you live your life? Would some of your decisions be any different? What type of passions would you want them to be exposed to? Would you want them to dream? How would you want them to treat people?

Anything that we do now will be a direct reflection of the lessons that we will leave our future kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids. It’s sometimes scary to think about but necessary for the well-being of ourselves and generations to come.

- Chazz Scott, The Nucleus

Make Time For Your Dreams

There is no reason you should keep quiet about your dreams; you should talk about them every day if that's what it takes to bring them to life. Tell people about your aspirations and plans for your future, whether your dream is to start a chain of lemonade stands or travel the world, what you care about matters.

Express this care and love in the way you talk about it to others and allow them a glimpse of what it is you truly desire out of life. Formulating the correct words to express what you are passionate about in itself is a gift, not all will appreciate this, but there will undoubtedly be someone who will.

I believe in speaking relevant matters into existence; this does not mean you only talk about it as if just words will accomplish your goals. To carry out a task work is required as well, but words do have power.

Words have the ability to bring people together and to create meaningful conversation. You may one day be talking with a  person who can truly help you make what you care about, your dream, a reality.

There will be naysayers who will tell you they don't care. There will be people who say "that is impossible." There may even be people who call you crazy, but as long as you care about it, those opinions do not matter. As I said before you are extending them a gift, it is their choice whether to receive it or not.

I'm telling you this because if you don't speak about it and care about it, then nobody else will. You must have a passion and drive that the world cannot ignore. People will admire that about you, and some may even want to help.

We make time for what is important to us because we care.

- Jean Claude

April Showers..Bring May Flowers

They say when it rains it pours. In some instances, you may even experience extreme downpour resulting in significant strains on your life. So how do you weather the storm?

Simple. Hold up your umbrella and push through.

I often have conversations with friends where we wonder why some people have things handed to them while we struggle just to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The conversation always ends with it's okay because our story will be more powerful and inspiring in the end. "The greater the storm, the brighter your rainbow."

Life may get difficult, but you have to always believe something great is about to happen. Stay motivated, steadfast and prayerful during your times of adversity. 

May flowers can not bloom without April's showers. But when the flowers do bloom you'll be forever grateful for the journey.

Nikki Abraham

Capturing Optimism

Everlasting happiness is something that we all aspire to achieve. It's the little glimpses of happiness that we see that keeps us motivated during the rough times in our lives. However, very few have learned to master the technique of taking those glimpses and bringing them into the light. Often we let the negativity and or rough hurdles that we're facing take control of our day which can lead us to only seeing what's in front of us at that current moment. 

We must remember that during these times of adversity, we must remain optimistic. Being optimistic towards any situation that you face in with in life will keep you away from stress, anxiety, and fear. Once you begin to make optimism or even positivity a lifestyle, you will be able to master control of your happiness. Those little glimpses of happiness that you see during the rough times will begin to naturally gravitate to the light and push that negativity out the way! Reminding yourself that your current situation(s) will not last forever, that you have all the strength to battle through any challenge, and that eventually you'll have your everlasting happiness will keep you uplifted. 

Once you begin to understand that life is meant to challenge you and mold you into a greater person, you'll soon accept any and every challenge that comes your way each day. Eventually, you'll wake up every morning, look at your day with the utmost confidence and say to yourself, "BRING IT!"

Guest Creative Writer, Jonathan Sims

Life is an Obstacle Course

To the person who feels as though life isn’t going...

It can be frustrating when we have a goal in mind and can see the finish line, but there are never ending hurdles before we make it. It can be discouraging when it’s one fall after another, and we’re constantly being tripped up. There’s also the chance of being on the course and not knowing which direction to take, so we’re lost as to what to do next. These are feelings you may feel or once have felt. It’s all normal; life isn’t a sprint, nor a marathon, but an obstacle course. When we see our loved ones doing the obstacle course, we’ll happily lend a helping hand because we care and want to see them do well. That is a part of your course as well. We develop personality traits based on our surroundings, experiences, and upbringing. Never believe you are the same person you were yesterday. Our character is constantly being remolded based on our knowledge & existence.  

If you find you are stuck in life take a step back and analyze what’s going on but not for too long and then dive forward. Don’t have any regrets, make your greatest leaps. Find your inspiration, figure out what moves you and let that be your driving force. It won’t be a perfect go, you will have scars and bruises, but you’ll be able to look back and smile at what you’ve accomplished. Take in everything as a learning experience and grow to be the best version of yourself.

-Shayma S. Sulaiman

Today is The Day

Be excited to turn your thoughts into actions, and bring to life a new adventure with the power that lies within you. Turning your thoughts into actions will come with both successes and failures, but will always end in forward progress and lessons learned. 

You can have a million great ideas and intentions, but to truly be great you must learn to execute. Don’t be afraid of your dreams not playing out in reality exactly like they did in your head. That rarely happens, and if it does, it means you weren’t dreaming big enough.

We have so many things that we want to accomplish in life that we often spread ourselves too thin, never getting around to any of them. We invest seconds instead of minutes or minutes instead of hours and let the things we once had a wild-eyed zeal for slowly fade into dreams deferred, living in an age where our attention is constantly being pulled left, and right, it's easy to get distracted. But like I said, today is the day. 

Today is the day. The day that you talked about but never came. Today is the day you do that thing that you kept putting off until "tomorrow" but never got around to. 

We live in a time where impossible is nothing, and the only limits in life are the ones we put on our imagination. While having an active imagination is great, actions speak louder than words and imagination without action is worthless. 

Let today be the spark that starts a chain reaction of accomplishments, and don't let that chain break. Once the first thing has been done move on to the next and ride the wave that you’ve created.

- Jean Claude


Fear Is Not an Option

F.E.A.R: False Evidence Appearing Real

Fear often has the power to appear real although this feeling has no substance. The moment you take a step toward accepting and controlling this demanding emotion you will become one step closer to living life fearlessly. 

Throughout my life, I've learned the hard way that allowing fear to control my destiny has held me back from many opportunities. More recently, after facing adversity in my life, I decided to make the major decision to really live life without fear or regret, and this has made all the difference in my happiness.

Live your life knowing that if you were to die tomorrow, that you would die as a happy person because you lived shamelessly without regret, allowed your ambition to soar, and didn't let fear hold you back from achieving all that you could. You have one life to live so don't be afraid to take chances, live on the edge, and do what makes you happy. This is your time to overcome any spirit that may be holding you back from attaining all you have set for your future and experiencing the unknown.

"We could allow fear to control our will and emotions, or instead, let the peace of God rule our hearts and minds."

From this day forward transform your fear into courage and live life knowing that fear is not an option. 

- Nikki Abraham



What's Your Why?

When you wake up in the morning – What drives you? Why do you continue to do what you do? Why do you put in all those late nights and early mornings?
Your why might be for your family. It could be for a better life, the satisfaction of helping or inspiring others or buying a new home or car. Whatever your why may be, continue to hold on to it, and never let it go no matter what the world may throw at you.
Knowing and recognizing your why will be the driving force that you will need to keep you focused through times of adversity. Every time I begin to question a tough task or even face a disappointment, I consistently remind myself as to why I started it in the first place. Many times, we begin to think more about the frustration of the actual task more than remembering our purpose for starting the undertaking in the first place. Recognizing your purpose and understanding your why will give you the grit that is needed to sustain your motivation.
Keep asking yourself the why questions: why am I doing this? What’s my goal? What’s my purpose? Will the result benefit me or someone else? These are critical questions that we must continue to ask ourselves to give us the encouragement that we need to overcome tough challenges. Is your why to become a successful business owner? Is your why to graduate? Is your why to inspire the next generation behind you? Is your why to encourage or inspire your little brothers or sisters? Is your why to make your parents proud? Is your why to help your community? Is your why for your son or daughter?
Whatever your why may be, do everything in your power to never let it go! Your why may be the very life vest that will keep you afloat when faced with rejection, disappointment, and failure. Keep grinding, maintain your tunnel vision, and continue to remember your why.